development posts page 5

I got PHP 7 working locally finally. It worked for CLI just fine when I first installed it soon after its initial release, but it wasn’t working with Apache. I’ve been upgrading every once in a while and finally, today, it worked. Now I just have to wait until Dreamhost supports it until I can start playing with it for my own site. At work, though, I’m still stuck back in PHP 5.3 land because of needing to support some old sites.

Security HTTP Headers

I’ve been working on the HTTP headers my site sends recently. I had been working on performance / cache related headers, but after seeing mention of a security header scanner built by Scott Helme, I decided to spend a little time implementing security related headers on my site. I don’t really know these headers that well, so I added the headers it suggested and mostly went with the recommended values. I did read up a bit on what they mean though and modified the Content-Security-Policy as I saw fit.

I added most of the headers using a Symfony reponse event listener. This handles all of my HTML responses without sending the headers for other responses, where they aren’t necessary. The exception is the X-Content-Type-Options, which should be set for all responses. I set that in Apache configuration.

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Line Mode Browser, or progressive enhancement all the way back

Progressive enhancement is a development strategy meant to provide older and / or less capable browsers with a working website while providing the more capable with a rich, full experience. It is often presented as a set of layers of support, with HTML at its base, then CSS added to that for styles, then JavaScript for advanced behavior. With this, it’s often posited that a well-crafted HTML experience can be used by any browser. However, for really old browsers from the early web, the new web provides many things that can make pages difficult to read, functionality unusable, or even entire sites inaccessible.

Today, I’m going to go back as far as I reasonably can in terms of browser support, to the second web browser ever made, and the first widely supported one, Line Mode Browser. I can’t look at the first, WorldWideWeb, because it was only made for NextStep and, as far as I can tell, isn’t accessible for me to test with. Line Mode is though. It was open-source by the w3c and kept available. I was able to get it with MacPorts with the ‘libwww’ package (run as www on the command line).

Line Mode was based on WorldWideWeb, and in fact was less featured, so it is likely to have any issues WorldWideWeb has and more. I will look at some issues that Line Mode has with modern web pages, and provide some solutions that will improve the abilities of even the oldest browsers to use a page.

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ASCII art source code signature for my site

Sometimes I see sites with ASCII art hidden in comments in their source code. I’ve long admired the retro computer nerdiness of ASCII art. At times, I’ve wanted to add some to my site, but have been reluctant because of the extra bites it would add to page weight, the difficulty in making it look good, the lack of a subject I felt worth it, and the problems they can have with differing fonts and display widths. However, after adding an easter egg recently, I was more receptive to the idea when reminded about it by the source code of

I spent some time this past weekend trying various different ASCII versions of my name. Some examples:

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Konami easter egg

What web developer’s site is complete without an easter egg? Until today, mine didn’t have one, but I had long wanted something. Since I was struggling to make forward progress on what I had actually wanted to work on this weekend, and had just been reminded of the Konami Code, I decided it was finally time to add one. I had seen a friend do a key sequence easter egg on a site he built a while back, which had put the idea in my head. The Konami Code sequence has been used on several websites already (Digg and Vogue are two examples I could get to work), so why not mine?

A simple Konami Code script:

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Symfony AppCache and ‘X-Reverse-Proxy-TTL’, a hack

Symfony’s HttpCache reverse proxy is a simple way to get caching of pages with Symfony. It is simple to set up, easy to work with, and easy to clear. I started using it recently on my own site.

A simple app/console cache:clear will clear the entire cache. Otherwise, following the HTTP-oriented spirit of the framework, invalidation is based entirely on HTTP headers. In this way, it works the same as proxy / gateway caches. It only caches responses with public Cache-Control headers. It is age based, using the Cache-Control s-maxage or maxage values or Expires headers (following that order of precedence). It then considers the cached items fresh until they are stored for longer than those headers specify they can be stored. The cached version is served, bypassing the router / controller, as long as the cache is fresh.

This is all nice, but using long max-ages for those headers means that caches outside of my control can cache pages for long periods of time. cache:clear won’t help when a page changes. One possible option would be to have shorter and safer max-ages as Cache-Control headers and use something else for HTTPCache.

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The Happs

For a while now I’ve been trying to write posts that draw people, such as solutions to specific problems or things that might be called articles. I think I’ve focused on these types of writings because parts of me want to be bring myself more prominently into the larger web community, help others, get some praise or critique for my work, and perhaps get offered a high paying job from some bigger web firm. I think I got a bit heady when I started getting above 50 visitors a day, peaking at 98. But that flow has dried up and I’m back down to less than 20.

I do like writing those types of posts sometimes, and I’m not going to stop, but I think I’m going to write a lot more smaller and less focused posts that are more generally about anything on my mind. I think I shall call the posts “The Happs” so I don’t have to think of a title and to emphasize their lack of a specific topic. The article type posts really take a long time and some research to compose, and I don’t have a lot of free time for them. It is often so long between when I do whatever is the impetus for them and when I write them that I’ve forgotten a lot of the details. I think “The Happs” will get me writing more often and allow me to put out snippets of what might later go into more thorough articles.

So, what has been happening with me lately?

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Developing with Desktop Paging and Multiple Monitors

At home I use desktop paging sometimes to separate tasks. Desktop paging is something from the Linux world that allows you to organize windows (and in Linux, desktop icons and other stuff) into separate “desktops”, showing only the stuff from the one desktop and allowing easy switching between them. Apple introduced this with their Spaces a point version or two of their OS ago, albeit in a less polished and functional way. When I began working at Cogneato, I began using desktop paging a lot.

For developing with desktop paging, I separated my desktops by task/application type. I develop mostly using four basic tasks: coding in a text editor; working with the image files that make up a design in Fireworks or Photoshop; viewing my sites in numerous web browsers; and looking up various information in a web browser. There’s also the frequent task of dealing with files in a file browser and occasional working in a CLI shell, as well as even rarer other tasks. My most used setup has a desktop for text editing, one for image editing, and two for browser testing and information gathering. The second browser testing desktop is not to split up browser use between testing and information gathering, but rather for testing Windows browsers in Parallels: I prefer to run it full screen rather than in native windowed mode. I develop first for one browser, Firefox, and then test in others, so I look up information related to a site in Firefox in a tab of the same window I have the site itself opened in, one window per project. This can get cluttered at times, with a lot of projects and many tabs for each, but at least keeps the information connected to the project. I assign each application to its designated space and usually keep them there. I also share the Finder, Terminal, and a secondary text editor (for notes mainly) between all spaces.

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