Toby's Log page 77

Barring unforeseen events, I will be buying a house. The seller has accepted my offer and signed the agreement. This will be my first “real” house, though I did own a not-very-good mobile home for a while. It is contingent on inspection, which I will be lining up as soon as possible, and then getting a mortgage. I’m kind of excited, though a bit worried at the same time.

Hey fellow website makers: If you meta refresh to a generic JS message URL for your noscript users, they will see the same message, not your article, if they enable JS. They will then have to go back to the original link again, if they’re willing to put that much effort in to seeing your article. See this great article for an example (now archived). That page variable might make you think, if they had a proper value, it’d take you to the proper page when JS is enabled, but no, there’s no JS on the page at all. Also, who is ‘Burlington Hawkeye’?