Finished my local taxes, save for mailing them, including first quarter estimates.
Continue reading post "#1858"Toby's Log page 63
Helped my brother change his oil and install a filter relocater to make it easier to do in the future.
Continue reading post "#1855"Played Earthworm Jim for the first time since I was a kid.
Continue reading post "#1853"I did some work on my garden this weekend with the help of my brother.
Continue reading post "#1851"I feel like T Mobile should leave access to their account management / payment site full speed while throttling everything else when I go over my data limit. It’s hard to pay my bill when it takes minutes for each page to load and often times out.
I once again hit my monthly data limit for my internet.
Continue reading post "#1843"Whew: Finished my taxes, at least federal and state.
Continue reading post "#1840"CSS: checking support for selectors
is a good way to apply an entire block of styles only if (modern) browsers support a particular property-value combo. There is no similar block-level mechanism for selector support. Selectors are automatically ignored if their values or syntax aren’t recognized by the browser, so they basically already do this at the ruleset level.
Except, sometimes you want to apply styles to other elements that don’t use the selector, but only if the browser supports the selector.
Continue reading post "CSS: checking support for selectors"At work today, I got to play with programmatically creating SVG for the first time.
Continue reading post "#1833"I was not expecting snow when I woke up this morning. Looked pretty nice though, and disappeared quickly.