My “current” phone (4.5 year old Pixel 3a) may be dead. I now can’t get it past the login screen and have moved to my previous phone, my Moto X. That buys me some time until I can figure out what to do. It started late Friday night and has been my weekend project.
Continue reading post "Pixel phone may be dead?"Toby's Log page 4
I went to send a private message on Twitter for the first time in probably 6+ years, and was made to do some human verification thing through a third party service.
Continue reading post "#4268"I’ve had a single GMail account for over a decade. I’ve thought of creating a second one for many years to use for lower security sitations. Today I finally did, to install Google Play, and thus other apps, on my Onyx Boox e-note.
Continue reading post "#4263"It is only the end of February, but an outsized number of recent days have been very spring-like.
Continue reading post "#4261"Furnace went out again. Had to clean out the trap.
Continue reading post "#4251"The weather has been positively spring-like. Some of the bulb plants in my yard have been sprouting and some of the snow-drops I planted this past fall have actually been blooming already. I’ve been trying to spend extra time outside, especially when the sun is out.
Vim terminal mode config
Vim has a couple ways to run terminal commands from the editor. From ex command mode, :!
will allow running a single command before breaking back to Vim, while :term
will open a new terminal window within Vim, by default in a split, to run as many commands as you want. There are several settings in my vimrc
that I add to make working with these terminal modes easier and nicer. I will share some of them below.
So glad the sun came out today. It was quite nice. There were many days of all gray in a row and it was starting to be a bit much.
Continue reading post "#4235"SSH to directory
I have been using SSH configuration a lot to make short hostname aliases for sites I SSH into frequently, but I recently figured out how to use it to change to a certain directory by default when logging in. At work, our sites each have their own user with their own site project directory. Most of the time when I log in, I want to go to the project directory instead of the default, the home directory. I cd
ed manually each time for a long time, but decided to look up a better option, and found a config option on ServerFault.
Bed frame
As a gift from my brother, I now have a bed frame for my bed. I previously had the mattress on a wooden slat thing on the floor.
Continue reading post "Bed frame"