Apparently in SASS you can store the current selector in a variable, eg a{ $a: &; }
. Useful for dealing with some limitations of &
without having to repeat selectors.
WWW posts page 23
Answer: Conditional blocks in twig
Somebody asked a StackOverflow question about conditionally outputting blocks. I had a similar need. I came up with a solution that fit my need and responded with the answer
Continue reading post "Answer: Conditional blocks in twig"Last year, I wasn’t able to go to Stir Trek because it sold out well before I got home from work. This year, I didn’t catch the announcement and was still able to get a ticket. There were over 100 left.
Continue reading post "#1417"I’ve been using cssnano for compressing my CSS on some projects recently. Apparently, it rebases z-index
values, ie reduces them to the minimum values that have the same stacking context within the file.
Was worried when a Markdown formatted post preview was rendering all messed up. I use the Jetpack Markdown plugin for this blog. Apparently, a bug was introduced recently
Continue reading post "#1406"Dreamhost 200 status log conclusion
I decided to contact Dreamhost about my Apache logs showing 200 statuse codes for all mod_rewrite
responses. It took seven back-and-forths to get across what was happening, discuss options, and conclude that “DreamHost systems are configured with a default environment meant to meet the most common webapp and customer requirements”.
Dreamhost, mod_rewrite, and logged status codes
I’ve done some more testing on the problem I mentioned before of all requests showing up as 200
‘s in the Apache log on my Dreamhost shared server. I’m pretty sure it’s specific to their mod_rewrite
Hey fellow website makers: If you meta refresh to a generic JS message URL for your noscript users, they will see the same message, not your article, if they enable JS. They will then have to go back to the original link again, if they’re willing to put that much effort in to seeing your article. See this great article for an example (now archived). That page
variable might make you think, if they had a proper value, it’d take you to the proper page when JS is enabled, but no, there’s no JS on the page at all. Also, who is ‘Burlington Hawkeye’?
Apparently the ImageMagick -depth
option is per channel (color / alpha), not per pixel.
Feels good to get over the hump on a project I was struggling with and finally basically finish it.