WWW posts page 19

CSS: inner border grid list with grid layout

A couple years ago, I wrote a post titled “CSS: Inner Border Grid List” about solutions to a problem I was having. The post is not about CSS grid layout, but recent interest in the post leads me to believe people are visiting expecting it to be. In the interest of serving those visitors, I decided to create a solution using the now well supported spec.

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Symfony router: check for match on different host

I found myself wanting to check if a given URL path exists on another host of a multi-host Symfony application from within a controller action. The router service, which is the instance of Symfony’s routing component used to route requests to actions, has a match() method, but it only accepts the path part of the URL. It also has a matchRequest() method, but that seems to ignore the HTTP_HOST and SERVER_NAME of the passed Request object.

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