Firefox finally forced me to upgrade from version 52 ESR.
Continue reading post "#2095"WWW posts page 17
My wi-fi name (SSID) is now ‘information superhighway’.
Recreating missing ‘vagrant’ user
Recently, the ‘vagrant’ user somehow disappeared on a vagrant VM of mine. It may have happened during a do-dist-upgrade
. It took me a while to figure out why vagrant provision
and vagrant ssh
were failing.
Server upgrade: Ubuntu 18.04
I’ve finally updated my server to Ubuntu 18.04 using do-release-upgrade
Kind of a late night working getting a messed up newsletter send back on track.
Continue reading post "#2031"Welp, got my first pingback / trackback spam since I closed regular comments about a month ago.
Continue reading post "#2019"Apparently, callbacks to the WordPress function add_filter()
don’t receive more than one argument to their callback unless you specify the fourth argument to the add call as a number greater than 1
I guess the WordPress setting “Automatically close comments on articles older than x days” does close pingbacks as well.
Continue reading post "#1993"The min-content
in CSS grid apparently takes into account the full width of a <pre>
element content, even if you put max-width: 100%;
on it.
Comments closed
I have decided to disable comments on my blog, but leave pingbacks / trackbacks enabled.
Continue reading post "Comments closed"