Saw Bolero and three other pieces performed by Cleveland Orchestra on Saturday.
Continue reading post "#1584"Personal posts page 49
Saturday, I spent some time watching for meteors from the Perseid meteor shower.
Continue reading post "#1580"Went to the Cleveland Orchestra Tchaikovsky concert with my dad and brother. A little unplanned for rain at the beginning.
Can’t, for the life of me, get to sleep.
Continue reading post "#1563"In looking for broadband options, I went looking to see what the state of ConnectAkron was. I vaguely remember hearing about it, that it had troubles or didn’t work out. To my surprise, their website is now a porn site. So, obviously it didn’t work out.
Having something requires giving something else up
Allergies hadn’t been too bad this year until recently, especially the last week or so.
Continue reading post "#1527"Just saw another satellite flare. This one was through clouds. It was bright for several seconds, large going through the clouds, then faded down to a tiny, satellite sized dot before disappearing behind the clouds.
Man, a sexual assault followed by a shootout with police happened not far from my house. Crazy.
Continue reading post "#1519"Paid email
I paid for email service for the first time. Fastmail is getting rid of their ‘Guest’ (ie free) accounts.
Continue reading post "Paid email"