Personal posts page 3

My Moto X phone, a stand-in for my non-functioning Pixel 3a, scared me by force shutting down and then getting stuck in a reboot loop for a bit. That’s too similar to the behavior of the Pixel. Luckily, plugging it into a different USB charger and giving it time, the problem resolved itself and it has been running fine for almost a full day. Hopefully, that keeps up, as I still haven’t gotten the Pixel going or figured out what I want for a new phone.

The weather has been positively spring-like. Some of the bulb plants in my yard have been sprouting and some of the snow-drops I planted this past fall have actually been blooming already. I’ve been trying to spend extra time outside, especially when the sun is out.

New tires

I got new tires for my car Wednesday. General Altimax RT45’s. Those are the new version of the ones I’ve gotten several times in the past. They are a good mix of rating well on snow, rating well overall, and a relatively decent price. And just in time. They showed their worth on the snowy roads on Friday, having little trouble where my previous tires it would’ve been more nerve racking.

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