My Moto X phone, a stand-in for my non-functioning Pixel 3a, scared me by force shutting down and then getting stuck in a reboot loop for a bit. That’s too similar to the behavior of the Pixel. Luckily, plugging it into a different USB charger and giving it time, the problem resolved itself and it has been running fine for almost a full day. Hopefully, that keeps up, as I still haven’t gotten the Pixel going or figured out what I want for a new phone.
Personal posts page 3
Pixel phone may be dead?
My “current” phone (4.5 year old Pixel 3a) may be dead. I now can’t get it past the login screen and have moved to my previous phone, my Moto X. That buys me some time until I can figure out what to do. It started late Friday night and has been my weekend project.
Continue reading post "Pixel phone may be dead?"I’ve had a single GMail account for over a decade. I’ve thought of creating a second one for many years to use for lower security sitations. Today I finally did, to install Google Play, and thus other apps, on my Onyx Boox e-note.
Continue reading post "#4263"It is only the end of February, but an outsized number of recent days have been very spring-like.
Continue reading post "#4261"Furnace went out again. Had to clean out the trap.
Continue reading post "#4251"The weather has been positively spring-like. Some of the bulb plants in my yard have been sprouting and some of the snow-drops I planted this past fall have actually been blooming already. I’ve been trying to spend extra time outside, especially when the sun is out.
So glad the sun came out today. It was quite nice. There were many days of all gray in a row and it was starting to be a bit much.
Continue reading post "#4235"Bed frame
As a gift from my brother, I now have a bed frame for my bed. I previously had the mattress on a wooden slat thing on the floor.
Continue reading post "Bed frame"New tires
I got new tires for my car Wednesday. General Altimax RT45’s. Those are the new version of the ones I’ve gotten several times in the past. They are a good mix of rating well on snow, rating well overall, and a relatively decent price. And just in time. They showed their worth on the snowy roads on Friday, having little trouble where my previous tires it would’ve been more nerve racking.
Continue reading post "New tires"I’m pleased I don’t have to go to the BMV this year for my birthday, as I do on most. I got a 2 year plate sticker last year, and have a couple more on my license.