StirTrek 2017

Got back from StirTrek at around 11:45PM after leaving at 5:45AM. Only got 4 hours of sleep and managed it fairly well.

Two+ hour drive each way, rainy. The way down the rain, traffic, visibility, and traction were worse. My new tires handled it quite well. Hit rush hour near Columbus, was stop and go for a while.

Talks were good, though a couple were a bit more entry level than I would’ve liked. Test-driven CSS was especially interesting. I’ve been wanting to try that for a while, and the demo really made it look nice.

There were several talks that I wanted to see but couldn’t due to conflicts with others. Hopefully they put them on YouTube again (I think they do that).

Saw a handful or so of people I recognized, though I didn’t get much chance to talk to them.

New venue in an arena. It was kind of more spacious, but the seating was more cramped. There was some bleed through of sound between speakers since they were only divided by curtains.

The movie was Guardians of the Galaxy. Not really my type of movie, but it was entertaining enough.

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