
People across the street had a fire in their basement. Fire department started to show up as I was just starting to eat a late dinner. Probably at least five trucks and some smaller vehicles showed up. Too many for the cul-de-sac, so they lined up down the street. Lots of bright lights.

I occasionally peeked out the window while I ate my dinner. I saw people drag hoses into the house, but didn’t see any flames or smoke (the house and sky were dark). I then went out when I was done eating and got some details from my neighbor. I don’t think anyone was injured and it doesn’t sound like it “totaled” the house or anything like that, so that’s good.

A family with the parents and two or three young kids lives there. I haven’t talked to them. It sounds like they were able to get things they needed out and have family nearby that they can stay with for now. I think the family has been parked and standing in front of my yard watching and talking to people the whole time. The firefighters appear to be wrapping things up and heading out.

Hopefully they’ll be fine and insurance will take care of things for them.

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