
Sunday, my family had its deferred Thanksgiving dinner. It was a delicious meal, and good to catch up with the four others in our group, who I hadn’t seen since the weekend I went camping due to covid issues. It felt like a holiday, though with less people than normal.

The dinner was basically a smaller version of our traditional Thanksgiving fare. Much less time and stress to prepare. My parents made a turkey, stuffing, rolls, and corn. Jamie and Tiffany made brussel sprouts and mashed potatoes. For dessert, I made a cheesecake and bought some cookies, while my parents bought a cherry pie. Very filling and tasty.

I had sort of forgotten how long it had been since we had seen each other. We had talked on the phone or text in the interim, but there was still plenty to catch up on. We also watched part of the Steelers game, which they lost.

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