
I finally got my new driver’s license after over two months of waiting. Ohio recently went to mailing license’s instead of printing and handing them to you while you’re at the BMV. They hand out an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper as an interim license, which must be combined with the old license. I originally kept it in my car, but after getting asked for it a couple times, I folded it up and put it in my wallet.

The mailing is supposed to only take a few weeks, but something must have gone wrong with the first mailing. I contacted them and they sent another, which did make it to me. I’m not sure if this is a common problem with this new system. Is the first copy out there somewhere?

I paid for this license late. For some reason, I thought they sent a mailer when the license is about to expire, but apparently not. I had gotten my previous license less than two years before I had to renew, because I had wanted my new address on it. In fact, in the past decade, I’ve probably had like seven licenses, with four moves and three four-year birthdays. I can see the memory advantage of having renewal be on a birthday, but can’t they just adjust the date to the birthday three years plus whatever days later?

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