
Snowed in today. The first snow this significant in years, I think. Very nice, serene scene in my backyard.

It took me maybe an hour and a half to shovel the drive and walkways, including a neighbor helping get the last bit with a snow blower. The snow was heavy and deep and took a lot of work. My back feels it.

The drive is shoveled, but the road isn’t plowed, and is probably too deep to drive through with my car. It’s less deep past the cul-de-sac area. Down the road, some cars are (or at least were) parked in the middle of the road, possibly because they couldn’t get where they were going. A car could probably go by, but not a city plow truck. Hopefully something is worked out by the morning, so I can go to work.

I thought I would make a snowman during this snow day. I probably haven’t made one since I was a kid. Unfortunately, though the snow was heavy, it wasn’t wet enough to stick together. Couldn’t even make a snow ball.

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