
Next week, barring unforeseen events, I will be the owner of my first (real) house. The loan has now been approved and the title stuff has been taken care of, I’ve set up insurance and the important utilities I was able to (apparently Akron water / sewer / trash service requires the deed before they can do anything). I just have to cut a big check and close. It has been a long wait with only occasional effort from me since the agreement was made. It could still be stressful at times figuring things out and reading through documents, seeing the large lump of money I’m going to be losing from my bank account soon plus the unknowns. The wait has allowed me time to catch up on things I had neglected during the earlier parts of the process, as well as plan (pre-movein tasks, move, etc) and start packing stuff for the move. I have to be out of my current house by the end of the month, so I have a bit of a short window to make it happen. I’ll take a couple days off of work, and should be able to get some help, so I think I can pull it off, hopefully without being too stressful. I’m excited to get into the new house after a long wait.

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