RIP Indy the dog. He was a mostly good dog. He was my former roommate and friend’s. He was wily at times and would sometimes make crazy vocalizations when he saw other dogs, so loud that he scared dogs and people. He loved to play with other dogs when he was young and was very energetic, but became angry with other dogs and lost energy as he got older. He bit me once in the hand, from which I still bear scars. I hadn’t seen him in several years unfortunately. He fell and couldn’t get back up on his hind legs. He no longer had feeling in them and had to be put down. We’ll miss you, Indy.
Toby's Log
Happy Thanksgiving. Had a good Thanksgiving with a long visit to cousin Paul’s. I believe this was the first larger family holiday get together at someone’s house since Covid. It was good with lots of delicious food. I ate too much and was feeling it for a little while.
Continue reading post "#4482"In Mac OS Sonoma, browsers now require and the OS will ask for the “Local Network” permission to access local websites. I didn’t know why it was asking and didn’t allow it, but then couldn’t access my sites. I had to go to “System Settings”, the “Privacy & Security” pane, select “Local Network” and turn on for my browser(s) to get access again.
If it matters, my local dev setup uses domains set in /etc/hosts
pointing to IPs of VMs run by VirtualBox, managed by Vagrant, set up like 'private_network', ip: ''
Goodbye, Twitter
I have deactivated my Twitter account, as of last night. I hadn’t posted since 2019 and had only done one response to someone else since then. I hadn’t really tweeted with any regularity since 2016. Even at my most tweety I never really was much of a part of the community. I only was still logging in because Twitter stopped allowing me to view anything but direct tweet links without doing so.
Continue reading post "Goodbye, Twitter"I sold all my Tesla stock. I’ve no doubt that it will go up well above what I sold for, but I don’t think I want it anymore.
Continue reading post "#4471"I voted today and am glad to have gotten that important duty taken care of.
Continue reading post "#4465"I will be voting for Kamala Harris on Tuesday. I felt a positivity when she took Biden’s place. There are a lot of reasons I think it would be bad for the country if Donald Trump is elected again, but January 6th ought to be enough by itself.
It’s somewhat odd that this particular election is on Guy Fawkes Day this year, with the day’s connection to V for Vendetta and the authoritarian government it depicted.
If you are a US citizen, please vote your beliefs on or before Tuesday. It’s important.
Mac: create app launch keyboard shortcuts
I wanted to create some global keyboard shortcuts for launching apps on MacOS. I used to do this with Quicksilver, but I’ve stopped using that and now just use Spotlight for most of what I used that for. Spotlight, of course, doesn’t have all the features of Quicksilver, including keyboard shortcuts for arbitrary actions. The “Keyboards Shortcuts” pane in System Settings can do a lot, but not specify a specific app to launch. Searching around the web, I found that Automator could be used to add services to it. So a flow to do this for an app would be like:
Continue reading post "Mac: create app launch keyboard shortcuts"Arborvitaes
This past weekend, I planted the last of four arborvitaes that I bought back in spring. I wanted something for a bit of privacy in my backyard, and read that arborvitaes are native-ish, easy to care for, and great for privacy. I saw them 50% off at Petiti’s one day while looking for other stuff, so I went ahead and picked up four that were maybe 4 some feet tall for $200.
Continue reading post "Arborvitaes"Our life is a giant puzzle, with a great many pieces that must be fit together to make it “right”. Each individual task, project, area of our life that we work on is its own puzzle, composed of many pieces that must be fit together while also fitting into the larger puzzle that is our life. Likewise, our life is part of a much, much larger puzzle that is the world, the universe, everything, and as we work on our life puzzle, we must look at that larger puzzle and ensure ours fits into it.